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Jeremy Clarksonhas officially been crownedthe UK's sexiest man on Thursday for the second year in a row.
本周四,杰里米·克拉克森(Jeremy Clarkson)连续第二年正式当选英国最性感男士。
The presenter, 64, beat off a long list of petition including the likes ofPrince William,Idris ElbaandCillian Murphy.
这位 64 岁的主持人在众多竞争者中脱颖而出,包括威廉王子、伊德里斯·艾尔巴(Idris Elba)和基里安·墨菲(Cillian Murphy)。
The Clarksons Farm starscored an impressive score of nine out of 10 points in the annual poll conducted by IllicitEncounters,which bills itself as 'the best online dating site for married people'.
在 IllicitEncounters 进行的年度民意调查中,这位《克拉克森农场》主持人获得了9 分(满分 10分),十分惊人。该网站自称是“已婚人士的最佳在线约会网站”。
The annual Sexiest Man poll from leading married dating site, Illicitencounters. is voted by 2,000 of its female members.
由领先的已婚交友网站 Illicitencounters. 发起的年度最性感男士评选由其 2000 名女性会员投票选出。
The woman are asked who they think the UKs sexiest man is, asking them to score a 50-strong list of the past year's most famous, culturally relevant names from most to least 'sexy'. Each name was scored 1-10 (10 being the highest) based on their 'sexiness'.
女会员们被问及她们认为英国最性感的男人是谁,要求她们对过去一年中最著名、最有文化内涵的 50 个名字从最“性感”到最不“性感”打分。每个名字都根据其“性感程度”打 1-10 分(10分最高)。
Jessica Leoni, spokesperson at Illicitencounters., who anise the annual UKs Sexiest Man poll, mented: 'Clarkson and his farm is a bit like Noah's arkand just like the animal's in that story, his victory in the Sexiest Man vote has e in twos.
组织年度英国最性感男人投票的Illicitencounters. 发言人杰西卡·莱奥尼(Jessica Leoni)评论说“克拉克森和他的农场有点像诺亚方舟,就像故事中的动物一样,他在最性感男人投票中连续两次获胜”。
Last year,Jeremy also landed himself the spot asladies couldn't resist his 'bad boy farm vibe'.
'We all know about his brashpersona, but the latest series of Diddly Squat has shown he can tug at heartstrings too - and clearly his famer look continues to set hearts racing.
'Just like last year's poll, we knew providing our members with a list of 50 famous names across both genders and asking them to score them on their 'sexiness' would throw upsome surprises - we're not putting it past Clarkson to go for the three-peat next year!'
“就像去年的民意调查一样,我们知道会员会有一份 50位男女名人的名单,并要求他们为这些名人的“性感”程度打分,结果将会带来一些惊喜,不过克拉克森如果明年三连冠,也不令人意外!”
The latest entry into the 10 UK's sexiest man list was Spider Man actorTom Hollandwho bagged himself second place.
《蜘蛛侠》主演汤姆·霍兰德(Tom Holland)最近进入英国最性感男人排行榜前十名,并获得第二名。
The Hollywood star, 27, who is dating actressZendaya, scored an impressive eight points in the poll.
这位 27 岁的好莱坞明星正在与女演员赞达亚约会,他在投票中获得了8 分,令人印象深刻。
Tom Holland
Completing the three, is the Prince Of Wales, 41, who has raised in the vote after ing near the bottom last year.
41 岁的威尔士亲王继去年排名垫底之后,今年的票数又有所上升。
Prince Of Wales
In something of a boost for Gareth Southgate, 53, ahead of a massive summer for football, the England boss who is renowned for his waistcoat and soft knit fashion took fourth place - a placing he'll be hoping to avoid in the 2024 Euros.
53 岁的加雷斯·索斯盖特(Gareth Southgate)这位以马甲和柔软针织时装闻名的英格兰队主帅,在这个盛大的足球之夏到来之前,获得了第四名——他希望在 2024 年欧洲杯上避免这个名次。
Gareth Southgate
Bagging a eighth place was I'm A Celebrity winner and former Made In Chelsea star Sam Thompson, 31, while 'Hardest Geezer' Russ Cook, 27, made ninth.
《我是名人》(I'm A Celebrity)冠军、31 岁的前《切尔西制造》(Made In Chelsea)主演山姆·汤普森(Sam Thompson)获得第八名,27 岁的“硬汉”拉斯·库克(Russ Cook)获得第九名。
Sam Thompson
Russ Cook
Oppenheimer star Cillian Murphy, 47, took fifth place in this year's vote alongside Top 10 sexiest hunkregulars Idris Elba, and Dermot O'Leary.
47 岁的《奥本海默》(Oppenheimer)主演基里安·墨菲(Cillian Murphy)在今年的投票中获得第五名,获得第五名的还有十大最性感帅哥常客伊德里斯·艾尔 巴(Idris Elba)和德莫特·奥利里(Dermot O'Leary)。
Cillian Murphy
Idris Elba
Dermot O'Leary
And there were notable exits from this year's Top 10, with Mike Tindall, 45, dropping from 3rd to 29th and Ryan Reynolds, 47, dropping from 4th to 26th.
,45 岁的迈克·廷德尔(Mike Tindall)从第 3 位跌至第 29 位,47 岁的瑞安·雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)从第 4 位跌至第 26 位。
Mike Tindall
Ryan Reynolds
Elsewhere Piers Man, 59, plummeted from 17th place last year to 40th this year.
,59 岁的皮尔斯·摩根(Piers Man)从去年的第 17 位骤降至今年的第 40位。
Piers Man
Unlike his brother, Prince Harry, 39, finished miles away from the of the table in 47th place.
与他的哥哥不同,39 岁的哈里王子排名第 47 位,与榜首相差甚远。
Prince Harry
Noah's ark诺亚方舟